Over the weekend Luke and I usually have a quiet day as he needs a day of calm or the week wears him out. Sometimes it's a simple day of just reading and lounging around. Other days may be cuddled up watching films. Or his favourite is baking with me. Which is my preference most days to. After a trip to the shops for a few bits with Luke on Thursday we came home with Jo Wheatleys new Home baking book. To keep Luke a bit quiet while I was busy I gave him some post it note style stickers and this is the amount of things he wants to bake from the book!
I don't want to give the recipes away but we baked cheese share and tear style bread. Which made 2 generous loaves. The rolls we filled with a mix of Gruyere ad mozzarella cheese, and the light fluffy bread was gently flavoured with fresh herbs and garlic.As you can see from the next few photos it went just as the book said it would and was really easy.

Ours was a little more brown than the book but it still got an honest to God compliment from my 20 year old son. Usually I have to ask and I get an 'it's ok' from him while everyone else is being complimentary. Well in this case he went off with 2 of these still warm rolls and felt the need to text me about they had melted cheese in them and they were great! Well words to that effect I won't give you the actual phrase. Before the kids had polished off the first rolls they were already asking if I can make these again a lot please. All I can say is I share the kids enthusiasm and these would be great as a side dish for many meals or even taken to a picnic. Great one Jo
In between the bread rising and the stages we made a batch of Oat, Raisin and Pecan cookies from the same book. Older son doesn't like nuts but I had made one cookies that had no bits in and both boys are happy munchkins and I will be making more variations on this soon. I also took a few round to a friend on Saturday who liked them to. So definitely another winner from this book :o)
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